Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I often dislike the chapters I've written immediately after I've given them to others to be critiqued. They seem silly and overworked. Sometimes they are. Most of the time, I think, it's just that I've spent so much effort slaving putting them together that I've stared at them for too long.

The RWA conference is next week, and I've got a lot to get done before then. Business cards to readdress (since the phone number is no longer good), shopping to finish, and a newsletter article to put together. Somewhere in there, hopefully, I'll get to chapters 3 and 4. Unless I fritter the time away. I've become very good at frittering. What's the best way to get rid of frittering, when it's so easy to fall into?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I make 'To Do' lists that I attach to a calendar with personal deadlines marked off on it. This process, for the most part, keeps me on track. I know that carrying a datebook definitely works. I just set aside a time every morning or evening to look at it and checkoff the things done on my 'To Do' list for that week.